
Accessible dialogs that actually work

I don't know about you, but modal dialogs have always been my Accessibility Holy Grail: there are descriptions of it out there, official documentation on how it should work, the dialog role, yada-yada – but in practice, all the examples I've ran into can't even work properly in VoiceOver.  Until I stumbled upon A11y Dialog ,  a lightweight script (only 1.4kb) kickstarted at  Edenspiekermann – that checks all the boxes : Proper ARIA landmarks Styling freedom Closing by pressing ESC Closing by clicking the background overlay/scrim Simple yet powerful DOM API Well documented Lightweight Links A11y  Dialog Demo A11y Dialog Documentation A11y Dialog on Github

Would hiding elements for accessibility harm SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) experts often are concerned about hiding elements visually. This due to the fear of being penalised for SEO fraud. But today's search engines are very smart, and sensible optimisation of content for accessibility reasons is honoured by them. Read on at Accessibility Developer Guide